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Talk to Who? - Unreal Engine


This is a serious game in 3D. In order to create an experience that is faithful to the situations we want to address in the gameplay, we worked with a police officer from the RAD program (SLC-UT). This game simulation helps children understand not to answer the door if a stranger knocks. The child learns the importance of using passwords with family members in emergency situations and calling the police when necessary.


Want to play? Check it out on my Itchio page:

Team Size: 6

Creative Producer: Ideation process, game design, audio design, and game production. Organized tasks, meetings, Trello board, sprint reviews, and helped to make decisions. I co-produced in this project, sharing responsibilities like pitching, researching and scheduling.

Also used: Adobe (Photoshop, Illustrator, Audition, and Premiere Pro), Maya, GitHub, Slack, and Trello

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