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AJ Academy: Amazing Animals - Unity 3D


A free animal e-book library from the creators of Animal Jam and National Geographic! This library of interactive books will captivate both children and adults as they learn about some of the most fascinating animals on Earth.

Completely free of ads or in-app purchases. It is free to download and you can access it even when you’re offline! It was developed in 3 months (Summer Internship).

For more information about this project: 

Team Size: 4

Designer & Producer:

I believe this was the quickest project I have worked on that became a full product (3 months from prototype to finished product).

During pre-production I was responsible for the competitors analysis, production plan, and product proposal.


During production I was responsible not only for tasks management but also for the product design (menus, screens, cross platform communication between the AJ Academy and the Animal Jam Game), giving the app update presentations to the company, and the final customer experience by working with writers and audio teams.


During post production, I worked closely with the company's marketing team, dealt with playtests and bug fixing up to the planned publishing date.

It was a unique experience to work with such an established visual identity. It was fun to make sure the app felt and looked the way Animal Jam did, so that the brand was carried on. I also loved retouching images on illustrator and doing small fixes. As a designer, usually my art work is used to provide a direction for artists, but in this project I got to have final art in the App, which made me proud of my art skills. 

Lastly, I would like to add that this was interesting because it was the first time I had to put my Portuguese at work! Since I am a native speaker, this felt like my skill was actually useful and that made the experience even better.

Also used: Adobe (Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere Pro), and JIRA.

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